Saturday, April 29, 2017
How to Reset Printer Canon
How to Reset Printer Canon
How to Reset Printers Canon MP140, MP160, MP180, MP210, MP220 ... - [ Terjemahkan laman ini ]
20 Apr 2010 ... How to Reset Printers Canon MP140, MP160, MP180, MP210, MP220, MP460, MP470, MP500, MP510, MP530, MP600, MP610, MP800, MP820, MP810, MP830, ... mp220-mp460-mp470-mp500-mp510-mp530-mp600-m
Reset Printer Canon
1. Download PIXMA service tool di _ 2. Extract file nya 3. Lakukan prosedur service mode pada printer dengan ...
Resetter Printer Canon Ip 1880, 1980, 1100, 1800, 2500 dll ...
17 Apr 2009 ... Resetter Printer Canon Ip 1880, 1980, 1100, 1800, 2500 dll. CARA RESET Canon iP1880. Canon iP1880 bisa juga menggunakan cara manual atau ... 2500-dll/
Resetter Canon iP 1200, 1300, 1600, 1800, 1880, 2200, 2500 « Lets ...
14 Des 2007 ... canon iP 1200, Reset Printer CANON posting ini adalah isi dari rangkuman para commentator di situs mas tikno yang isinya mengenai cara ... 2200-2500/
Available link for download
iPhone CDMA Flashing Software Latest Version 2016 Free Download
iPhone CDMA Flashing Software Latest Version 2016 Free Download
iPhone CDMA Flashing Software:

How to Install it:
- Initially scroll down of this article and go below where downloading link is given
- Click on it to start its downloading
- When you will click on it then you will have a small windows where you are guided to save downloading file
- Wait few movements to complete the downloading
- When downloading will be completed then double click on it to install it on your pc and follow the instruction
- Now connect your iPhone through data cable with your pc and start to flashing with a compatible firmware

Available link for download
Friday, April 28, 2017
How to Watch 3D Movies in VLC Media Player
How to Watch 3D Movies in VLC Media Player
As you all know that VLC is one of the most famous and amazing media player. Well, thats just because it is easy to use and contains all the features that you probably want in any media player. The VLC media player is also famous and widely used because it supports almost all types of video and audio formats like FLV, MPEG, WMV, MKV, MP4, MP3, OGG, WAV and many other audio and video formats.

Learn-How To Watch 3D Movies Using VLC
- First of all, you have to download a 3D movie, you can easily download it from any torrent or movie downloading site. And make sure that the movie should be in SBS (Side-By-Side) 3D format. [ Read our Post : Top 19 Websites for Downloading Movies for Free ]
- Then, you have to open up your VLC media player.
- Now, in VLC media player, first open up your 3D movie file.
- After that, click on Tools and then select the Effects And Filters option from the drop-down menu.
- Then, you have to click on Video Effects tab.
- Now, in the Video Effects tab, click on Advanced tab.
- Then, in the Advanced tab, you have to put a check on Anaglyph 3D option, it will be the last option in the right-hand side.
- Thats it! You are done! Now, just put your Red/Cyan 3D glasses on and enjoy your 3D movie.
Available link for download
Info Komersial
Info Komersial
Perhiasan berlian menjadi pilihan sejumlah kalangan, untuk pelengkap fashion mempercantik penampilan, juga sebagai perhiasan bernilai investasi. Pemilihan desain dan model berlian pun bergantung pada tujuan awal saat membelinya. Bagi kalangan yang berorientasi pada fashion, punya selera berbeda dengan pecinta berlian yang membeli untuk investasi.
"Seperti apa kebutuhan penggemar berlian, apakah untuk fashion atau investasi, bisa dilihat dari cara membelinya. Orang yang biasa membeli berlian berukuran besar, takkan tertarik dengan model berlian berukuran kecil yang biasanya didapatkan pada perhiasan berlian untuk kebutuhan fashion. Begitu pun dengan orang yang menyukai berlian untuk fashion, takkan tertarik jika ditawarkan berlian bernilai tinggi dengan model simpel untuk kebutuhan investasi," jelas Jelita Setifa, Marketing Manager Mondial Indonesia saat temu media di Union Restaurant, Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (21/5/2012).
Menurut Jelita, sebagian besar pelanggannya membeli berlian lebih untuk investasi. Alhasil, model dan desain berlian yang dipilih pun cenderung bernilai tinggi, bukan sekadar memperhatikan desain yang fashionable. Meski begitu, terdapat sejumlah desain perhiasan berlian yang simpel namun juga bernilai investasi tinggi. Artinya, mereka yang membeli berlian untuk kebutuhan fashion lebih memperhatikan desain. Namun mereka yang membeli berlian untuk investasi lebih memedulikan kualitas batu berlian dan nilainya.
Bagi penyuka perhiasan berlian untuk kebutuhan fashion, sebagus apa pun kualitas berlian ia takkan keberatan jika hanya dijadikan aksen pada perhiasan. Namun bagi kalangan investor berlian, mereka lebih mencari batu berlian bernilai, meskipun desainnya cenderung simpel tanpa banyak eksplorasi pada tampilannya.
Meski berbeda selera dan cara memilih batu berlian, setiap pembeli perhiasan berlian biasanya memiliki tujuan pemakaian yang sama. Baik kolektor berlian untuk fashion atau investasi, keduanya memilih perhiasan berlian yang bisa digunakan untuk momen istimewa, seperti hari pernikahan.
"Biasanya kaum ibu yang membelikan satu set perhiasan berlian untuk diberikan sebagai hadiah pernikahan kepada putrinya," jelas Jelita menambahkan 80 persen pelanggannya membeli perhiasan berlian untuk kebutuhan pernikahan.
Bagi Jelita, penting baginya untuk mengedukasi pengunjung butik yang berencana membeli berlian. Menurutnya, banyak orang yang belum teredukasi dengan baik tentang berlian. Membeli namun tak sepenuhnya mengerti apa yang dibelinya. Banyak juga yang memiliki dana berlebih, dan memutuskan membeli berlian, namun mereka tak memaksimalkan dananya untuk mendapatkan berlian bernilai tinggi.
Cara memilih
Menurut Jelita, pemahaman mengenai memilih berlian penting dikuasai agar tak terjebak dalam belanja kompulsif, apalagi jika sekadar ikut tren. Ditambah lagi, saat ini semakin banyak produsen yang menawarkan perhiasan berlian dengan harga terjangkau, dan dipasarkan melalui perkantoran. "Anda bisa mendapatkan berlian dengan anggaran Rp 10 juta, tapi seperti apa kualitasnya, ini yang perlu dicermati sebelum mengeluarkan uang dalam jumlah tersebut," tambahnya.
Jelita menjelaskan, faktor 4C (Carat, Colour, Clarity, Cut) adalah faktor penting yang wajib dipahami sebelum membeli berlian. Jika ingin membeli berlian untuk investasi, untuk mengoptimalkan return sebaiknya pilih berlian minimal tiga karat. Sementara jika ingin memiliki berlian untuk kebutuhan perhiasan dan penampilan atau fashion, berlian 0,3 karat bisa jadi pilihan.
Warna dari level tertinggi, D, hingga Z juga patut dipertimbangkan, apalagi jika tujuannya untuk berinvestasi. Berlian dikatakan memiliki kualitas tinggi jika warnanya tidak lebih rendah dari warna G. Artinya berlian dengan level warna D hingga G, masih terbilang berkualitas tinggi. Untuk mengetahui kualitas berlian dari warna juga clarity, sertifikat menjadi acuannya. Jika berniat membeli berlian, pastikan Anda datang ke toko yang menyediakan sertifikat standar internasional Gemological Institute of America atau GIA (badan penilai berlian terkemuka di dunia). Dari sertifikat ini jugalah Anda bisa mendapatkan jaminan mengenai kualitas berlian secara lengkap dan rinci, terutama faktor 4C tadi.
Cara pemotongan batu berlian juga memengaruhi kualitas, terutama dari pancaran sinar atau pantulan sinar perhiasan berlian. Menurut Jelita, Kalimantan adalah salah satu sumber berlian berkualitas, namun Indonesia masih kekurangan tenaga ahli para perajin berlian berkualitas yang mampu mengaplikasikan teknik cutting yang baik. Alhasil, berlian berkualitas tinggi dengan pantulan sinar sempurna didapatkan dari negara dengan perajin berlian yang memiliki teknik cutting terbaik, yakni dari Afrika.
Selain standar 4C dan sertifikat, saat memilih berlian perhatikan juga soal harga. "Selalu tanyakan Rapaport pada toko berlian, karena orang awam tidak tahu harga berlian, Rapaport inilah yang menjadi patokan harga yang dihitung per karat," jelas Jelita.
Dengan memahami berlian dan nilainya, Anda bisa memaksimalkan uang atau anggaran yang Anda punya untuk mengoleksi perhiasan berlian. Dengan begitu, Anda tak sembarang menghabiskan uang demi berlian yang bernilai tak sepadan dengan jumlah uang yang Anda alokasikan.D;
Jika anda berminat untuk berlian asli Martapura Kalsel Indonesia ?hub: 085250470101
Available link for download
Its been one year already
Its been one year already
of Florida "residence".....amazing how time flies. Am I having fun yet??
A year ago I arrived in Florida, with the help of my wonderful sister Carol. 12 days later I signed a purchase agreement to have my new home built. And here it is...6 months into living in this home.
I think that as we age..time really does speed up, and our hours and days are shorter and shorter. Maybe thats why Im still able to function with only 4 hours of sleep, my days are only 16 hours long instead of the usual 24 ;-)
Autumn is different down here in Florida - I miss my Western NY Fall season...but dont miss the winters. Today I went for a walk with my grandson in the little patch of "woods" that we have behind the homes in my stretch of the neighborhood. Its got some water still back there, but we need "rain", lots of things once lush and green are "brown" now, and not a golden hue amongst any of it. But we enjoyed the peaceful time....I was trying to settle down and relax after watching yet another dreadful football game of my Buffalo Bills.
Available link for download
IQ Empty Battery v 1 0
IQ Empty Battery v 1 0

If you want to empty your phones battery to charge it from zero, or if you want to compare two batteries to see which one lasts longer, you can trust our application to help you with that.
IQ Empty Battery vibrates every second and empties your battery, counting in the same time the number of vibrations. You can challenge a friend to demonstrate him you battery has better quality, or you can make a little joke and just empty his battery before he comes back from toilet. Whatever you chose to do, enjoy this little application for your mobile phone.
Available link for download
Thursday, April 27, 2017
How to refill inkjet cartridges without needle
How to refill inkjet cartridges without needle
How to refill inkjet cartridges without needle
Available link for download
iTtalk Recorder For iPhone and iPAD Latest Version Free Download
iTtalk Recorder For iPhone and iPAD Latest Version Free Download

iTalk Recorder is a best and high quality full-featured recording app with a streamlined and intuitiveuser interface. Just Press the big red button and start your time to record; press the red button again to stop your recording and save your record. You can append to existing recordings, We provide This great recorder named as iTalk Recoder is free available in here for you. So download this great and high quality iTalk Recorder for free and enjoy your life, to download this great tool, just click below provided link,
iTalk Recorder For iPhone and iPAD Download Free,
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Hubble Space Telescope
Hubble Space Telescope
This is an animated video of Hubble! Hubble Space Telescope is known as astronomys revolution!
Available link for download
Instant Wordpess Theme To Match Your Existing Website Design
Instant Wordpess Theme To Match Your Existing Website Design

Available link for download
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Its Possible To Get Pregnant After 50 But That Doesnt Mean Women Should
Its Possible To Get Pregnant After 50 But That Doesnt Mean Women Should
![]() |
© Photo courtesy of Shutterstock Science has erased the age limit for when a woman can become pregnant. But from a moral standpoint, there may be a time in our lives when becoming pregnant simply |
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© Provided by Medical Daily newbornbaby |
Its Possible To Get Pregnant After 50, But That Doesnt Mean Women ShouldAvailable link for download
Its not about the gear stupid
Its not about the gear stupid
Bumped into a photographer friend this morning in town on the way to work, and after we parted (about 15 minutes later), I realised that all we had talked about was gear. 5DMk3 this, 70-200mm that, Nikon blah blah, Canon hoo haa.
What is it with photographers and their gear? Do dentists who bump into each other talk about the latest drill? Do mechanics talk about the latest spanner? Maybe they do? (Any dentists or mechanics out there who can verify this?).
Im obviously as guilty as the next bloke - although I do fluctuate between two complete polar opposites in the gear vs talent debate. Its been very fashionable for a while now to put the gearhead aspect of photography down. You have to have been living under a rock for the last few years not to have heard the best camera is the one you have with you mantra bought up time and time again by the insanely gifted. To which I say - CRAP! Oh, and by the way, what do these what you have with you exponents have with them most of the time? Canon 1DXs or the latest iPhone 4G of course. Quite frankly Im thoroughly sick of the whole I just take my iphone with me on holiday and get beatiful 8x10" prints brigade. Ive got an old iPhone 3 and the camera on that thing is just crap (oh no, I said crap again!)
Go up to a sport photographer at the Olympics and tell him his gear doesnt matter. Go on, I dare you. Would he swap that new 12fps Canon 1Dx for my iPhone 3? I think not. And I wouldnt expect him to either. I find the whole gear doesnt matter thing so condescending it makes me want to spit (in case you hadnt already noticed).
BUT - (and yes, theres always a but), nor do I hold to the whole got to have the latest and the greatest gear mentality either. Do you use a Canon? Do you use a Nikon? Or, heaven forfend - do you use a Sony? To which I say - who gives a flying...... what brand of camera you own? Use a Pentax for all I care - although really, why would you! :-) (joking people, joking).
Has it got 6MP, 8MP, 12MP or 36MP!? Who cares? Ive owned three of the four megapixel ratings mentioned (guess which is the odd one out), and no client has EVER asked me how many megapixels my camera has. Granted, Im not shooting for billboards - or cropping heavily - but if you are, or do, then it becomes a real question of need - not merely of keeping up with everybody else. And who really cares whether those 12MP came from a Canon or Nikon? I mean, really....
Most of us are shooting for the web, or computer screen viewing now anyway, arent we?
Heres a test for you...

Can anyone tell me, just by looking at the image above, whether it was shot on a Canon or a Nikon? Is it from a 6MP, 8MP, 12MP or 24MP camera? Was I wearing sneakers or bare feet when I took the shot? Are any of these questions relevant?
Of course not. All that really matters is whether Ive taken a good photo or not. And this is where the technical capabilities of the gear come into play. Am I happy with lens choice, depth of field, is it sharp where I want it to be?
How about another image...

What about this shot? Is it digital? Is it film? Was it cropped to a square image, or shot on medium format? Was it converted to black and white from colour? Again - is it Canon, Nikon or Sony?
More important, for my growth as a photographer, Id much rather ask - is it a good composition? Does the image have something to say? Is it graphically pleasing? Have I taken it at the right angle so that it expresses what I wanted to say? Was the camera working with me, or against me (the gear matters part of the picture equation).
And finally...

All the same questions as the previous image apply - even though the two photos couldnt have been captured more differently.
When we stop, and concentrate on the image, then no, the gear doesnt matter. BUT - of course it does matter, by allowing you to take the kind of image that you have in your minds eye in the first place. With technology moving at such an alarming rate - and no sign of this slowing up any time soon - the line between want, and need, can easily become blurred.
In the end, though, all I really want to be is a better photographer. Do I really need the latest Nikon D4? Of course not. Will simply owning it make me a better photographer? Ah - no.
And for the record - the first image was taken on an Olympus Pen EP3 - as was the second image. The last image is... film. Taken on a Bronica S2 medium format 6x6 camera. And it also happens to be my favourite image of the bunch.
Available link for download
Jasa Pembuatan Website Duri
Jasa Pembuatan Website Duri
Jasa Pembuatan Website Duri, Jasa Pembuatan Website Pekanbaru Riau. Riau Web Design merupakan situs jasa pembuatan website / web design dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif. Kami mempunyai tim yang sangat berpengalaman di bidang web development, web design, Graphic & Logo Design, SEO, Digital Marketing, e-Commerce Solution, Mobile Application Development, dan Web Consultation.
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Available link for download
IPInfoOffline 1 35
IPInfoOffline 1 35
IP Adresleri Hakk?nda Bir Ćok Bilgiye Ula?abilece?iniz Yararl? ve Ćcretsiz Bir ProgramIP Adresleri Hakk?nda Bir Ćok Bilgiye Ula?abilece?iniz Yararl? ve Ćcretsiz Bir Program IPInfoOffline, detaylar?n? gƶrĆ¼ntĆ¼lemek istedi?iniz IP Adreslerini ba?ka bir d?? sunucuya ba?lanman?za gerek kalmadan size sunabilen Yararl?, basit ve Ć¼cretsiz bir Program. Exe dosyas? iƧerisinde s?k
IPInfoOffline 1.35: IPInfoOffline 1.35
Available link for download
Internet Download Manager 6 07 build 5 Final Patch
Internet Download Manager 6 07 build 5 Final Patch

Internet Download Manager atau banyak orang menyebutnya dengan nama IDM, telah mengeluarkan versi Final terbarunya yaitu versi 6.07Build 5 Final. Maka pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan share IDM versi 6.07 Build 5 lengkap dengan patch-nya untuk menjadikan full version. Dikarenakan berdasarkan situs resminya, IDM tidak dijual secara gratis ke pasaran namun dihargai sebesar kurang lebih Rp. 350.000,-
Screenshot : About Internet Download Manager 6.07 Build 5 Full Version
Fitur IDM 6.07 Build 5 :
-Added support for Firefox 6
-Fixed bugs
Fitur IDM 6.07 (07 July 2011) :
-Added additional options on "Download progress" dialog
-Made a workaround for odd characters in file names when downloading from youtube
-Fixed bugs
cara menjadikan IDM 6.07 build 5 nya full, masih sama dengan postingan saya sebelumnya, untuk cara menggunakan patchnya sebagai berikut:
1. instal IDM 6.07 build 5, setelah selasai jangan jalankan dlu.
2. Jalankan patchnya .. pilih Patch server Check .. kemudian Cari IDM.exe ,, biasanya C:Program FilesInternet Download Manager ..
3. Setelah success... Pilih Generate .. lalu copy Serialnya dan masukkan ke IDM ..
4. Buka IDM sobat, klik menu bar Help, klik Registration , Dan pilih Registration ..
5. Masukkan nama depan sobat - OK,
6. Masukkan juga nama belakang - OK,
7. Trus email sobat - OK.
8. Terus Serialnya .. - OK
9. dan IDM sobat sudah full version.
tunggu apa lagi, langsung aja download, heheeee,..
Download Internet Download Manager 6.07 Build 5 :
via Mirror - 4.259 Mb

Download Juga Pathnya biar Full Version :
via ziddu - 267 Kb

Available link for download
iThemes Security Pro v2 2 10
iThemes Security Pro v2 2 10

The best WordPress security plugin, Better WP Security, is now iThemes Security shows you a list of things to do to make your site more secure with a simple way to turn options on or off.


Available link for download
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
IObit Driver Booster PRO 3 2 0 696 latest full
IObit Driver Booster PRO 3 2 0 696 latest full

- Install and use a series which provide for activation
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Available link for download
HTC Mobiles Flash Tool Flashing Software Free Download For All HTC Smart Phones And Tablets
HTC Mobiles Flash Tool Flashing Software Free Download For All HTC Smart Phones And Tablets

Available link for download
iExplorer 3 9 1 0 Serial Key
iExplorer 3 9 1 0 Serial Key
iExplorer 3 9 1 0 Serial Key
iExplorer 3 9 1 0 Serial Key iExplorer lets you effectively exchange music from any iPhone, iPod or iPad to a Mac or PC and iTunes. You can scan for and sneak peak specific tunes then duplicate them to iTunes with the touch of a catch or with move and customize. Hoping to exchange more than only a couple tracks? With a single tick, iExplorer lets you in a split second revamp whole playlists or utilize the Auto Transfer highlight and duplicate everything from your gadget to iTunes.
Size: 9.8 MB
Break By: n/a
Whats New...?
iCloud Music Library tracks now show up in Media Library segment
UI Improvements
Different bug fixes
Instructions to Install:
Download and Unzip.
Introduce iExplorer
After establishment complete enter key from cry
Download iExplorer Serial Key
iExplorer Serial Key Only:
Available link for download
Monday, April 24, 2017
Install unsigned applications by hacking symbian S60 phones
Install unsigned applications by hacking symbian S60 phones

What is the Need for Signing Applications?
From the 3rd edition onwards, all the Symbian S60 applications need to be signed in order to ensure their integrity, so that it would not be possible for a third party to tamper with the application. Also, signing ensures that you always install applications from a trusted source.
However, there are many freeware and beta applications that come unsigned as the developers cannot afford to buy a symbian certificate. Hence, it can be a real nightmare for the users who need to install such applications on their phones. Inorder to hack your phone and intall the certificate and key to the root directory,you need a software called HelloOX2
What is HelloOX2?
HelloOX2 is an One step Hacking tool for all Symbian S60 3rd & 5th phone. Hacking mean that it can get full access to your phones system folders and files, with this capability, HelloOX2 could install a root certificate to your phone, and with the root cer & key pair you could sign any apps to install, include the Manufacturer capabilities requested apps. Completely fix annoying certificate error!
RomPatcher+ is a Manufacturer capabilities requested app, using it to patch the installserver youll be able to install any apps without signing anymore, but the only way to install it is Hacking your phone. HelloOX2 is here for everything you need. Hacking in only One step, just run it, it does all the rest for you. It have been tested and confirm working on almost all device, include the newest S60 phone model N86, N97, 5800, 5530......etc
- Map drive
- Unpack hacking files to the virtual drive
- Activate file system
- Unmap drive
- Install root certificate Install RomPatcher
1. Go to the OPDA Online signature website, get registered and login to your account.
2. Click on the Apply Certificate tab, enter the model number and the IMEI of your phone and then click on Submit and Upload button.
3. It will usually take up 24 hours for your certificate and key file to be generated and uploaded. To check the status of your certificate click on My Certificate tab. If the certificate is ready for the download you will see something as follows:

4. Download the certificate and the key file.
5. To sign your HelloOX2 application. with these certificate and key you need a software called Sissigner

6. Open the SisSigner, load the HelloOX2.sis, certificate and the key file and click on Sign. Leave the Key File Password field blank.
7. Your HelloOX2 application is now signed and ready for the installation.
8. Install the signed HelloOX2 application on your phone and thats it you are done,You have hacked your Symbian phone and wont see messages like security errors,expired security errors etc anymore while installing any applicaton on your phone.
If you found anything useful in this article please pass your comments or do want any help,please feel free to ask
Available link for download
Increase speed Internet broadband
Increase speed Internet broadband

Open your registry and find the key below.
Create the following DWORD values, as most of these values will not already exist you will need to create them by clicking on Edit -> New -> DWORD Value and then set the value as shown below.
DefaultTTL = "80" hex (or 128 decimal)
Specifies the default time to live (TTL) for TCP/IP packets. The default is 32.
EnablePMTUDiscovery = "1"
Specifies whether the TCP/IP stack will attempt to perform path MTU discovery as specified in RFC 1191. The default is 1.
GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = "7FFF" hex (or 32767 decimal)
Specifies the system maximum receive window size advertised by the TCP/IP stack.
EnablePMTUBHDetect = "0"
Specifies whether the stack will attempt to detect Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) routers that do not send back ICMP fragmentation-needed messages. The default is 0.
TcpMaxDupAcks = "2"
Determines the number of duplicate ACKs that must be received for the same sequence number of sent data before "fast retransmit" is triggered.
SackOpts = "1"
Enables support for selective acknowledgements as documented by Request for Comment (RFC) 2018. Default is 0.
Tcp1323Opts = "1"
Controls RFC 1323 time stamps and window scaling options. Possible values are: "0" = disable RFC 1323 options, "1" = window scale enabled only, "2" = time stamps enabled only and "3" = both options enabled.
TcpWindowSize = "7FFF" hex (or 32767 decimal)
Specifies the receive window size advertised by the TCP/IP stack. If you have a latent network you can try increasing the value to 93440, 186880, or 372300.
Exit your registry and restart Windows for the changes to take effect.
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How to send colourful scraps in orkut
How to send colourful scraps in orkut

Steps for creating multicolour scraps
1) Open any scrapbook.
2) Write your message in the scrap. Do NOT click on submit.
3) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
4) Hit ENTER key .
5) Click on Submit
Now your scrap will be multicoloured........enjoy !!!!!!!!!!
Available link for download
Intro To iOS Backend Development Image Uploads course coupon Free
Intro To iOS Backend Development Image Uploads course coupon Free
Discover what it’s like to develop your own backends with Node by mastering image uploads with Swift
Lectures 12
Video 42 mins
Skill Level Beginner Level
Languages English
Includes Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion
Hoping to build more complex apps than you’re currently capable of?
See for yourself how easy it is to develop your own mobile app backends with Node
Struggling to implement image uploads in an iPhone app you’re currently working on?
Master image uploads to Amazon S3 once and for all
Half of any great mobile app is the backend, yet there are few resources online to teach beginners how to develop API’s to power their apps. Most iOS development courses will point you towards Parse and Firebase, and in my opinion, this is a waste of time.
In the process of bootstrapping large, real-world mobile apps, I found that backend-as-a-service platforms were insufficient to fully realise my ideas, so I learned to build my own backends. API development with node is easy and you’ll never look back.
This is a mini-course, just to give you a feel for what it’s like to develop backends with Node. I’ll be covering the installation of Node, and some basic Javascript syntax for beginners. I’ll then explain how to use the Express microframework, and we’ll use it to upload some images from an iPhone app to Amazon S3.
If you enjoy this course and want to keep learning about Node and Express, check out my other courses.
Full details
Upload Images To S3 With Swift
Take this course if you’re a mobile developer who’s trying to reach complete creative freedom by learning backend development.
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Intro To iOS Backend Development: Image Uploads
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Info Lowongan Kerja PT PELNI Indonesia Oktober 2015
Info Lowongan Kerja PT PELNI Indonesia Oktober 2015
Info Lowongan Kerja PT. PELNI Indonesia Oktober 2015 - Pada bulan oktober ini PT. PELNI Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi putar dan putri terbaik indonesia untuk berkarir di PT. PELNI Indonesia.




- IT Programmer 2015 Batch II

- IT Engineer Kapal 2015 Batch II

- IT Help Desk 2015 Batch II

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- Perwira Dek (ANT II) dan (ATT II & ATT III)

Available link for download
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Imigrasi Pekanbaru Peluncuran Website Imigrasi Pekanbaru dan Aplikasi Android
Imigrasi Pekanbaru Peluncuran Website Imigrasi Pekanbaru dan Aplikasi Android
Imigrasi Pekanbaru : Peluncuran Website Imigrasi Pekanbaru dan Aplikasi Android. Website Imigrasi Pekanbaru dibangun dengan menggunakan basis Engine CMS (Content Management System) yang dinamis dan responsive serta mobile friendly, agar masyarakat mudah dalam memanfatkan website tersebut.
Aplikasi Layanan m-Immigration Imigrasi Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia
Tren layanan secara online terus berkembang baik sektor swasta maupun instansi pemerintah. Instansi pemerintah pun kini sudah banyak yang menerapkan administrasi layanan online bagi masyarakat. Hal ini dilakukan guna memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengakses pelayanan instansi pemerintah yang dibutuhkan dan mengurangi cara tradisional yang mengharuskan pemohon antri dalam mengurus administrasi.
Dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan prima kepada masyarakat, Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Pekanbaru sebagai salah satu unit pelayanan teknis di bawah Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Riau berupaya melakukan inovasi dengan menyediakan layanan bagi masyarakat berbasis android yang diberi nama m-Immigration yang dapat diunduh secara gratis di Play Store. Aplikasi ini adalah kerjasama Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Pekanbaru dengan Martson Hasudungan Sihaloho, S.Kom.
Aplikasi m-Immigration ini menyajikan 5 (lima) layanan Keimigrasian yang bersumber dari Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi yakni Layanan Paspor Online, Layanan Visa Online, Aplikasi Pelaporan Orang Asing, Layanan Pengaduan Masyarakat dan Layanan Izin Tinggal Online. Pengguna juga bisa melakukan pencarian mengenai produk hukum Keimigrasian, berita Keimigrasian, layanan publik Keimigrasian, biaya Keimigrasian dan info publik Keimigrasian yang terintegrasi dengan website Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Pekanbaru kapan saja dan dimana saja.
Di dalam aplikasi m-Immigration tersebut juga disediakan nomor telepon Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Pekanbaru, Divisi Keimigrasian Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Riau dan Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi yang dapat dihubungi, sehingga jika ada laporan pengaduan, dapat langsung menghubungi nomor nomor telepon yang ada. Selain itu disediakan juga layanan pengaduan masyarakat online yang dapat diakses 24 jam dan terhubung dengan alamat email pengaduan Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Pekanbaru.
Diharapkan dengan adanya aplikasi m-Immigration ini akan meningkatkan dan memudahkan pelayanan masyarakat yang dirasakan secara langsung.
Selain terdiri dari 2 tampilan halaman webiste. Website Imigrasi pekanbaru meluncurkan Aplikasi berbasis Android yang dapat anda unduh di google play store
Peluncuran website imigrasi yang dilakukan di Aula Imigrasi Pekanbaru, dan dihadiri oleh pejabat berwenang di liput secara resmi oleh Riau Televisi (RTV) yang ditayangkan dalam program Detak Riau Malam.
Semoga dengan diluncurkannya website resmi imigrasi pekanbaru ini, maka pelayanan terhadap masyarakat dapat lebih maksimal.
Kami segenap manajemen dan Tim Riau Web Design mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Kantor Imigrasi Pekanbaru, Kepala Kantor Imigrasi Bpk. Pria Wibawa, SH, PLH Kadiv Imigrasi Kemenkumham Riau Bpk. Herfi Adli, dan Kasi INSARKOM Imigrasi Bpk. Martson Sihaloho, S.Kom Sekaligus Project Leader beserta pejabat struktural Kantor Imigrasi dan seluruh pegawai Kantor Imigrasi, atas kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada kami, sebagai Tim Web Development Website Imigrasi Pekanbaru.
Available link for download
Majalah Travel+Leisure yang berbasis di New York, AS kembali mengumumkan pulau-pulau terbaik dunia tahun 2012. Menurut situs Travel+Leisure pada Jumat (13/7/2012), peringkat pertama ditempati Pulau Boracay di Filipina. Dalam deretan pulau-pulau terbaik dunia tersebut, pulau Bali di Indonesia berada diurutan kedua. Bali yang disebut sebagai surga duniawi itu berhasil mengalahkan pulau-pulau Galapagos, Great Barrier Reef, hingga Santorini.










Available link for download