Saturday, April 15, 2017



clip_image002The Republic of India is the second most populous country in the world and the largest democracy. A land of contrasts, India contains great wealth and grinding poverty. It possesses high-tech cities and primitive villages. In it one can find beauty and squalor, hope and despair. It is one of the oldest civilizationson the planet, and a people of deep faith and boisterous energy.

Having emerged from the shadow of Great Britain and survived a wrenching loss of the people and lands that comprise Pakistan, India is once again assuming its rightful place as one of the world’s great powers.

Leader: Gandhi (1869 – 1948 AD)

clip_image004Mohandas Gandhi was an Indian patriot who led India’s nonviolent independence movement against British Imperial rule in the early to mid-twentiethcentury. He pioneered “satyagraha,” or resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, a ploy used to great effect against the British raj. Today Gandhi is considered to be one of the great figures in human history. Heis recognized as a courageous and tireless champion for justice and moral behavior, in South Africa fighting just as hard for the rights of other downtrodden people as he did for fellow Indians. He is also acknowledged as a brilliant political leader who organized a successful independence campaign against one of the most powerful empires the world has ever seen. Of him, Martin Luther King said, “Christ gave us the goals and Mahatma

Gandhi the tactics”.

Unique Trait

Population Growth: Unhappiness from number of Cities is doubled, and Unhappiness from total population is halved. (Build fewer, bigger cities!)

Unique Unit


War Elephant

Replaces Chariot Archer

Unique Building


Mughal Fort

Replaces Castle

Available link for download