Monday, February 13, 2017

Infinity Designing Davy Jones

Infinity Designing Davy Jones

Because most of the characters in Infinity were preexisting characters, our primary design goal was to bring them all into the same style while preserving what makes their character so interesting. This may sound simpler than designing the character in the first place, but it wasnt any easier. Sometimes it was harder. I think that on average, we went through just as many iterations on the character redesigns as you would with a new character. Some characters were particular challenges because of their detail and demeanor, and Davy Jones was one of these. How do you make a cute, cartoony toy still look intense and gritty?

Refinement of a design by Jason Kim

Painting over over a Jon Diesta drawing

Painting over the near-final model to figure out surface and detail

Available link for download