Monday, March 6, 2017
HTC Desire 816 Stock Rom Custom Rom Free Download Latest
HTC Desire 816 Stock Rom Custom Rom Free Download Latest
You are downloading desire 816 stock rom/ custom rom free from below here. The version of latest stock rom at the time of this publication is v2.33.625.5 that can be got by click on the given downloading at the bottom of this page. You can use the given latest stock rom to flash your HTC desire 816 only. It will not support other devices of HTC except HTC desire 816. The downloading link which is given below here has been brought you from two sources. One is from official site of HTC and the second one link of downloading is from mediafire. These both links has the same file of HTC desire 816 stock rom.

- Required device : HTC Desire 816
- File : Stock Rom
- Version : 2.33.652.5
- Size : 1GB
- Developer : HTC.COM
The given below two links shall provide you the most recent stock rom file of HTC desire 816. If you want to flash or root your device then you have to download the given file here. After that use a flashing/ rooting tool to install it. So, get start to downlod below here.
Official link | MediaFires link
Available link for download