Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I’m Speaker Adobe Flash Camp 2011 Indonesia

I’m Speaker Adobe Flash Camp 2011 Indonesia


Capture_bagusBesok saya akan mempresentasikan “Development Playbook Application with Adobe AIR 2.5 and QNX SDK”, slide udah dibuat aplikasi demo udah ready, mudah-mudah berjalan dengan lancar dan fun, sedikit bocoran, saya akan menampilkan aplikasi playbook dan android yang saya buat dalam 2 minggu bersama tim saya. Aplikasi tersebut memiliki content movie, wheather, television, sport, event, restaurant, dan jual-beli

“See You Tommorow guys!”






Here the detail schedule Flash Camp 2011

Time Agenda
07:30 - 08:00 Registration
08:00 - 08:15 Opening
08:16 - 09:15 Bridging Adobe Flex, Adobe Air to Java Web Application with Adobe BlazeDS by Nova Saputra, Java Developer
09:16 - 10:15 Developer and Designer Workflow by Ahmad Fathi Hadi and Nata Chen, RIA Developer, Game/Creative Producer
10:16 - 11:15 Behind the scenes of MAX Racer and building realtime multiplayer experiences by Tom Krcha, Adobe Evangelist
11:16 - 12:15 Creating mashup apps using various social media APIs and AS3 by Arie M. Prasetyo, Flex & Web Developer
12:16 - 13:15 Break
13:16 - 14:15 Virtual World with AS3isolib by Anggie Bratadinata, Flash Engineer
14:16 - 15:15 70760_1016721490_1256827_n

Development Playbook Application with Adobe AIR 2.5 and QNX SDK by Tubagus S. Anwar, Flex/AIR Developer
12:16 - 13:15 Break
15:46 - 16:45 Augmented Reality by Rizal Akbar, Flash Developer
16:46 - 17:15 Adobe User Group Indonesia by Ahmad Fathi Hadi
17:16 - 18:00 DoorPrize


Available link for download