Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Indigenous Self Determination in Theory and Practice with Firearms Certification

Indigenous Self Determination in Theory and Practice with Firearms Certification

Indigenous Self-Determination in Theory and Practice Aug 5-11
This land-based intense delivery course will critically explore the Dene struggle for self-determination since the establishment of the Indian Brotherhood of the Northwest Territories in 1970.
Particular attention will be paid in examining the ways in which the Dene have sought to overcome the ongoing effects of colonialism through a variety of means, including efforts aimed at achieving cultural recognition through land claims, self-government and economic development, and by reconnecting and revitalizing the land-based practices and relationships that form the core of many Indigenous peoples identities and ways of life.
Successful completion of this course will provide students with the ability to critically synthesize relevant course concepts to understand cultural, social, political and economic dynamics in Dene and other Indigenous communities.
Above all, the course will emphasize the importance of revitalizing land-based practices and knowledge as of form of personal and collective decolonization.
With Glen Coulthard, Leanne Simpson, Stephanie Irlbacher-Fox and YKDFN Elder Professors Therese and Modeste Sangris
Info and registration at http://www.dechinta.ca
Read more on Facebook on Flickr  and on Tumblr

Available link for download