Thursday, November 10, 2016

I like being at ground zero again!

I like being at ground zero again!

I like painting more these days at ground Zero again because the good work happens when no one is looking....... One of those "ground zero perks", when the competitive aspect is suppressed... all the pressures removed and time is your own again!  Every once in awhile it has to be reclaimed to move forward.

At the front end the rules are obvious, easy to follow, and the sands not quite so deep until you move along. The art rules become hazy to nonexistent...... art quicksand! Perhaps true....perhaps not!

929 AIR above of below 36x30 Oil on linen (10-6-14)
930 Slow Dance 36x30 Oil on linen (10-7-14)
 931 Incognito 62x48 Oil on linen (10-13-14)
932 Blue Skies 62x48 Oil on linen (10-16-14)

In the end you gotta like what youre doing, otherwise, whats the point?

Available link for download